Understanding CPU Stats

Your Linux box is slow and you are running top command. Well, you are seeing a lot of metrics, what does these values means. Major CPU Status Idle, the percentage of idle CPU Running a user space program, a User application running. It could be a compiler, Email client Running the kernel, Handling an interrupts, managing resources The above said meta states can be divided. User space programs can be categorized as those running under their initial priority level or those running with a nice priority. [Read More]

Change network bandwidth of KVM Guest OS

Preface Some cloud providers, limited the Bandwidth based on Flavors. Which is part of their Business rules. So, Guest virtual machines wont be able to reach the limit which fixed in the Flavor using metadata. This tutorial will help you to change the Network BW without restarting the Guest virtual machine. List the Current virsh domiflist instance-0000be23 Interface Type Source Model MAC ------------------------------------------------------- tap973d62dc-4f bridge qbr973d62dc-4f virtio fa:16:3e:fb:24:e0 virsh domiftune instance-0000be23 tap973d62dc-4f inbound. [Read More]

Bash Tips

Preface History Using ! Using part of Command Preface One of the fancy feature of Bash is the command history. History will store all the command run by the User, which will be in /home/$USER/.bash_history. This will help the user to edit / reclass previously applied commands. To get a command previous run in command you can use UP arrow or DOWN arrow keys. History 288 cd layouts/ 289 ls 290 cd . [Read More]

CURL, find your website Speed.

Page loading speed is very important now a days. If you are a web administrator, or a server administrator who is particularly responsible for organizing the things together, then you have to make it a point that users don’t get disappointed while accessing your site – so there is really need for speed curl -s -w 'Testing Website Response Time for :%{url_effective}\n\nLookup Time:\t\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect Time:\t\t%{time_connect}\nPre-transfer Time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStart-transfer Time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal Time:\t\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null http://www.google.com Output for Google. [Read More]