How to force openstack to resize on the same host

I want to force openstack to resize every instance on the same host if it is possible to do. How can I do that? Before that, why should I do that. Here, you have a use case, you are on a private cloud and running some critical virtual machines in a very limited resources. You should take a turn to do this. Add the following lines in /etc/nova/nova.conf allow_resize_to_same_host=True scheduler_default_filters=AllHostsFilter Restart Services [Read More]

Monitor file changes realtime

Everybody knows top or htop. Ever wished there was something similar but to monitor your files instead of CPU usage and processes? Well, there is. Run this: watch -d -n 2 ‘df; ls -FlAt;’ and you’ll get to spy on which files are getting written on your system. Every time a file gets modified it will get highlighted for a second or so. The above command is useful when you grant someone SSH access to your box and wish to know exactly what they’re modifying. [Read More]