Public cloud Upgrade, Things you need to consider.

Preface Would you need an Upgrade? Plan the upgrade Methods of upgrades Parallel Cloud Advantages Disadvantages Rolling upgrade Advantages Do an upgrade in Staging Backup Upgrade plan Upgrade Day01 Day02 Customer Feedback Further Reading Preface Upgrading a public cloud to the next stable release is a Nightmare for the Operations Team. We are using Openstack as our cloud software. [Read More]

No valid hosts found !! , Is it Hypervisor only?

No valid hosts found Real scenario Oh, yeah here it is Issue Finding Further reading No valid hosts found I am sure, everyone of you found this error in your API call OR Horizon instance intiation. But what is it exactly?, Well the error says no valid hosts found which is clear right? You dont have enough computing resource to launch the new virtual machine. It could be vCPU, vRAM, vDISK. [Read More]

Openstack Live migration, What? Why? How?

What is Live Migration Why we need a Live Migration Host Failure Maintanance mode Optimal resource usage How a Live migration happening ? Pre-migration Reservation Iterative pre-copy Stop and Copy Commitment Pitfalls Abort ? Futher reading What is Live Migration Live-migrating an instance means moving its virtual machine to a different OpenStack Compute server while the instance continues running. When you are operating a public cloud OR private cloud you need to do this for many reasons. [Read More]